Anxiety Therapy for ADHDers in Middlesex, NJ

(Virtual in New Jersey and Florida)

You are constantly worried

You worry about forgetting things

About losing things

You feel like your mind is always elsewhere

And you are never in the present moment

Your ADHD brain is working against you


You worry about making mistakes

About failing even before you start a task

How much time is this going to take?

What’s even the point?

You’d rather just do something else…


You worry about disappointing others

But you are too anxious to ask for clarity or for help

You should be able to figure it out on your own, but you can’t

And you feel like you can’t do anything right


You worry about not listening when others are speaking

And others getting upset by this even though you are trying your best to focus. 

Your worry about interrupting others

And them getting mad you even though you can’t help it

You worry about being too fidgety and others getting annoyed by this

You worry about people not liking you…



Most of my clients engage in negative self-talk and struggle with their self-confidence due the difficulties they experience. They feel like they are different from everyone else and are anxious about the next time they will “mess up”.


As a neurodiversity affirming therapist, I provide a safe environment where clients don’t have to worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. They can be their authentic self and be accepted for who they truly are.


I work collaboratively with my clients to identify their struggles and learn ways to make their day to day lives less stressful. I teach my clients how to make the connection between the physical sensations experienced in their bodies and their emotions.  I work with my clients on expressing their feelings and needs to others. I teach them how to not be so hard on themselves and in turn increase their self-esteem.


Whether you're facing personal challenges or seeking assistance for your loved one, rest assured that I'm dedicated to providing the support you need. Schedule an appointment now!