Interoceptive Awareness Support for ADHDers and Autistics

What is Interoception?

Interoception is the intricate sensory system that allows us to perceive and interpret internal bodily sensations, providing vital feedback about our physiological state. It encompasses a wide range of sensations, including but not limited to:

  • Hunger and Thirst: Interoceptive signals inform us when our bodies require nourishment or hydration, prompting us to eat or drink accordingly.

  • Heart Rate and Breathing: We can sense the rhythm and intensity of our heartbeat and the depth and pace of our breaths, which can indicate states of relaxation or arousal.

  • Temperature Regulation: Interoception helps us recognize changes in body temperature, whether we're feeling too hot, too cold, or just right.

  • Pain and Discomfort: Sensations of pain, discomfort, or tension alert us to potential injury, illness, or the need for rest and relaxation.

  • Emotional Arousal: Interoception is closely linked to emotional experiences, allowing us to discern feelings of excitement, anxiety, joy, or sadness based on bodily sensations.

  • Digestive Processes: We can perceive sensations related to digestion, such as feelings of fullness, hunger pangs, or discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Internal Organ Functioning: Interoceptive signals also provide feedback about the functioning of internal organs, such as sensations related to bladder fullness or the need to urinate.

These interoceptive signals are continuously processed by the brain, contributing to our overall awareness of our bodily state and guiding our behavior and decision-making processes. For most people, interoception operates seamlessly and unconsciously, facilitating essential functions like eating, sleeping, and responding to stressors.

However, individuals with conditions such as ADHD and Autism may experience challenges with interoception awareness. They may struggle to accurately perceive, interpret, or respond to internal bodily signals, which can lead to difficulties in self-regulation, emotional management, and social interaction.

How Interoception Awareness Support can help Individuals with ADHD and Autism

Children, teens, and adults with ADHD and Autism often experience difficulties with interoception awareness, which can lead to various challenges in daily life. Here's how interoception awareness support services can make a difference:

  • Education and Awareness: Many Autistics and ADHDers may not fully understand or recognize their internal bodily sensations. Interoception awareness support provides education about interoception and helps children, teens, and adults become more aware of their bodily signals.

  • Sensory Integration: Support sessions may include activities and exercises aimed at improving sensory integration, which can enhance interoception awareness. Techniques such as mindfulness and sensory grounding exercises can help individuals better connect with their bodies.

  • Emotional Regulation: Interoception plays a crucial role in emotional regulation. By increasing awareness of internal sensations, children, teens, and adults can better recognize and manage their emotions. Interoception awareness support offers strategies for identifying and coping with emotional states effectively.

  • Self-Care and Health Management: Improved interoception awareness can enhance self-care practices, such as recognizing when to eat, drink, rest, or seek medical attention. Interoception awareness support equips individuals with practical skills for maintaining their health and well-being.

  • Enhanced Social Communication: Interoception also influences social interactions, as it contributes to understanding others' emotions and nonverbal cues. Interoception awareness support sessions may involve activities to address social navigation needs, fostering more meaningful connections with others.

If you or a loved one struggles with interoception awareness or related challenges, I am here to help. Request an appointment below: