ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly

5 Tips on How to Get your Child to do Chores

You ask your child to do a simple task and they respond “In a minute.” You check on them shortly after and there they are sitting on the couch watching television. You can’t help but yell at them. Why don’t they just do what they are asked to do? Below are 5 tips on how to get your child to do chores.

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ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly

The 4 Benefits of Your Child Completing Chores

You work a 9-5 job and don’t want to spend all of your time off from work cleaning up the house. Sometimes you ask your child to assist you because you want to get them off the couch. You are sick of watching them play video games. Other times you don’t even bother. Below are the 4 benefits of your child completing household chores.

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