Navigating Nighttime Anxiety in Children
Anxiety in Children Janine Kelly Anxiety in Children Janine Kelly

Navigating Nighttime Anxiety in Children

As a parent, witnessing your child struggle with anxiety can be heart-wrenching. Nighttime anxiety, in particular, poses its own set of challenges, affecting not only your child's sleep but also their overall well-being. Understanding and navigating nighttime anxiety in children requires patience, empathy, and a proactive approach.

In this blog, we will explore the causes of nighttime anxiety, signs to look out for, and practical strategies to help your child overcome these challenges.

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ADHD Janine Kelly ADHD Janine Kelly

6 Tips on how to Parent a Child with ADHD

Your child has constant meltdowns. They seem to come out of nowhere. The constant yelling and fighting…it’s like there is never a quiet moment! The stress of it causes you to lose control and have your own meltdown! Below are 6 tips of how to parent a child who suffers from ADHD.

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Trauma, ADHD, Anxiety Janine Kelly Trauma, ADHD, Anxiety Janine Kelly

5 Tips on how to Decrease your Child’s Screen Time

You have noticed your child’s mood and behavior has changed. They are very irritable and are disrespectful towards you. Their priority is playing video games, watching television, or being on their phone or tablet. You’re upset at yourself allowing it to get this far. You want to get them off electronics but don’t know where to start. Below find 5 tips on how to decrease your child’s screen time.  

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ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly

The 6 Negative Effects of Kids having Too Much Screen Time

Your child is drawn to all electronic devices. They don’t even care about playing with toys anymore. They are glued to the screen! You can’t even have a conversation with them anymore. You try to take the electronic devices away and they become angry and even aggressive. You are worried about them. What effect is this having on them? Below are 6 negative effects of kids having too much screen time.

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Anxiety, Trauma, ADHD Janine Kelly Anxiety, Trauma, ADHD Janine Kelly

4 Tips on How to Get Your Child Out of the House in the Morning

Getting out of the house in the morning is a complete nightmare. Aside from having to get ready yourself you have to stay on top of your child because if you don’t they will get distracted. You constantly have to nag them about getting ready in the morning. Below are 4 tips to help get your child out of the house in the morning without the stress.

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ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly

5 Tips on How to Get your Child to do Chores

You ask your child to do a simple task and they respond “In a minute.” You check on them shortly after and there they are sitting on the couch watching television. You can’t help but yell at them. Why don’t they just do what they are asked to do? Below are 5 tips on how to get your child to do chores.

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ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly

The 4 Benefits of Your Child Completing Chores

You work a 9-5 job and don’t want to spend all of your time off from work cleaning up the house. Sometimes you ask your child to assist you because you want to get them off the couch. You are sick of watching them play video games. Other times you don’t even bother. Below are the 4 benefits of your child completing household chores.

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ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly

6 Tips to Help the Holiday Run Smoothly

It is that time of the year again and as much as you enjoy spending time with your family during the Holidays, you are dreading hosting it at your house. It is stressful enough to have to prepare so that everything goes perfectly, but on top of that you have to worry about your child behaving. Below are 6 tips to help the holiday season run as smoothly as possible.

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ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly ADHD, Trauma, Anxiety Janine Kelly

4 Tips for the Constant Homework Battle

Often children with ADHD lack time management skills and struggle with focusing. Your child may be feeling overwhelmed by the homework they have to complete so they just shut down.

 The following are 4 tips to help your child remain focus and complete their homework so that you can both feel less frustrated and have more time to do what you enjoy doing.

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